Laugh a Little, Will Ya?
July 12, 2015
At my age, my annual Senior Wellness check-up is an interesting event. After preliminaries, the nurse said, “I’m going to say a series of three words and ask you to remember them after I ask you a question.”
“Last year one of them was apple,” I offered.
Pause, then:
“OK, I’ll give you credit for that… The words are apple, table and penny. Repeat those. (I did.) Now spell “world” backwards. (I did). What were the three words?” (I said them.)
This was six days ago now. I’m hoping to remember them all before the test next year and really wow the nurse.
Then she announced a walking test. “Get up from your chair and walk to the door. Face the door, then walk back to your chair and sit down.” Was that to test my ability to follow instructions or to walk without toppling over? Did the nurse notice I cheat, using crutches?
Nurse didn’t crack a smile during either test. I sure did! Take note, young friends. Fun times with the doctor are coming up.